Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH image analysis consulting / teaching of staff
2018 East Tennessee State University (Dept. of Bio Sciences)

multi process multi-color cell detection and quantification (ImageJ macro code)

Corneal cluster and twin-spot analysis pipeline (ImageJ macro code)

2016/2017 NPZ Innovation GmbH automated seed recognition and analysis
2016 Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig Identification and measurement automation of fluorescent bacterial samples
2016 University of Michigan, Kellogg Eye Center Image analysis routine consulting
2015 Norwegian Radium University Hospital, Oslo (NOR) Bacterial detection in DIC (get macro code),
related publication by E. Helgesen et al.
2015 Chemical Industry (not named), Rhineland-Palatinate Area Object detection in histological samples and quantification
2014 University of Frankfurt Diverse object recognition and processing routine
2014 Chemical Industry (not named), Rhineland-Palatinate Area Object detection in histological samples and quantification
2013 University of Mainz Customized image analysis toolset
partially available: Fijisurf
2013 Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig SOP for 3D reconstruction of CT data